10 March 2008

From the Clouds

8Mar 006
Originally uploaded by csquard

I had a very busy week, the end of six very busy weeks. It was a tough, good time for me. After a nice weekend, I'll be back in Pennsylvania for a couple days this week and here for the rest, probably here at home for awhile.

A couple of albums I downloaded this morning from iTunes that you might be interested in:

Kaki King has a new album released today, "Dreaming of Revenge." This amazing guitarist from the ATL adds more vocals on this release, and I think you'll find her to be a nice addition to your collection of music to work, chill, or play by.

Carmen Consoli is an Italian rocker who has brought her music back a bit, more toward the acoustical side. You can read about her in this NY Times concert review from Saturday.

We started soccer practice this week, and the 4th Grade Boys team ended up practicing Sunday due to weather here on Friday and Saturday. Our middle son has Sever's Disease, which I had as well at his age. It is a problem with the heel bone/calcaneus, similar to heel spurs. It is some kind of painful, and it used to be dreadful for me playing tennis when I was eleven or twelve. I could normally push through it, but when I stopped I could barely walk. No treatment except stretching or abandoning whatever physical activity causes the pain.

Here's to a great start to the week. I'm home, so I'll try to pop more into this as the day goes by.


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