End of Trip

Somewhere after that I realized I had not put on deodorant today. I was rank all the way around, which was just great the rest of the day.
I got sucked into the $15/30 game as a guy in a suit came up to the sign-in asking what the different buy-in's were. The poker room manger and I told him about the different limits, he says he'll buy in for $500 (gets directed to an open $15/30 seat), and there is one more seat that I happily jump on. He lost $100 then tightened up, won one pot, and held his own avoiding hands. I played one major pot heads-up with JJ and a 4-bet pot, flop comes J88, 8 on turn, 9 on river. I got one raise in, so that was nice. Also caught a nice flush with rags on the river when I called two bets with 6s5s (sooted), raised my gutshot and flush draw on the flop and bet the checked rag turn.
+$761 for the trip, bankroll now over $7000. Take away my donkified NLHE play and it would have been really sweet, but it was all good. Playing with Linda was the highlight of the trip, as well as the dinner with Rich. Gotta sprint to the airport (hope no one is there). Thanks for keeping up with it all, and have a good weekend. I'll do a post-mortem on Monday.
Very nice, I hope to be stepping up from 2/4 to 5/10 soon.
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