Shooting Fish with No Ammo

Had a great potential table, half rocks/native sharks and half calling stations. My biggest complaint was KK vs. Q6 with a 6 on the flop and the Q on the river. Spent $150 or so watching AK get racked, made a couple of plays that were picked off. Guy to my left in the 8 seat flopped three sets plus trips in a span of a couple hours, which is also very fun and nice. An evening of being card dead. I tested the waters with secondary hands, either raising or limping (QJs, QJo, etc.), and nothing every worked out for me. The Q6 guy went through close to $1500, but he always had enough to call me with bottom pair or second pair. I could never get the goods.
I'm going to get some real sleep, and we'll shoot for Day 2 booking a big improvement.
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