29 January 2008

Is Bloglines/Google Reader the Death of Blogs?

Sunrise on Coiled Sphere
Originally uploaded by csquard

As always, leave it to me to be slightly behind the times (if you call several years slightly). Anyways, through the help of a few technical wizards, I finally started using Bloglines then Google Reader.

As I became more efficient whipping through content, I feel like I became more distant from the people behind these words and their sites. Is that right at all, or am I just a neophyte?


Blogger louisgray said...

That's definitely an issue. I've posted before on how RSS makes you uninvolved, and there are a number of developers working on making RSS more social and interactive, including AssetBar.

But given the Google Reader model, where we're reading as fast as we can and not responding or commenting, it does change the entire dynamic.

9:12 PM  

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