The Secret News Revealed

I hinted at some new news for CC's Quest of a Closet Poker Player, and here it is: I'm moving to PokerWorks. Linda told me not to put the new URL, but i will put it online soon. I'll be posting there from now on, so this will be the last post on blogspot. It will take a couple days probably to get everything up and running (links, archives, etc). Hopefully, this will all be wrapped up in the next couple days.
Congrats. I hope things get even bigger and better for you.
Nice!!! Well Deserved
Can it link up with the old link or do I need a new one?
Great job, man.
Very cool...congrats.
Is the RSS feed going to be the same as the one for Table Tango or will it be a separate feed?
If it will be a separate feed, note that the one on the ccexplore page under the 'Meta' part points to Table Tango.
congrads man
Congrats I suppose. :) I think I fall into the category of the less than thrilled. Not that I have anything against PokerWorks, but I have cautious optimisim for you since many blog mergers that I've seen don't work out in the long run. For what it is worth, you may want to pop onto bloglines and claim your blog so that the 70-ish subscribers you have through there will get auto-redirected to your new location.
Good luck on the move! Congrats.
Congrats on that CC. I need to know if you want in or not on the 45 sng challenge. If you are in, I think we are filled up but if not, I will fill the last spot.
CC, send me a link via e-mail when it's up. I don't want to go too long without a Questy fix.
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