Slobbering on My Laptop

I didn't have a good afternoon and evening for some reason. Combine lack of production, anxiousness over getting the China contract signed, and malaise over the sluggishness of my own energy regarding what to do next was a cauldron for being in a funk. I ended up playing from 11:30-2:45 this morning, which I haven't done in quite awhile. It was a dangerous mix yesterday afternoon then late night:
- Party $33 SNG's: o/2 (6th and 5th, with 5th crippled as chip leader AJs vs. ATo)
- Party $5/10: -$87.50, 45 hands
- Party NLHE $100: -$173.50, 101 hands (KK vs AA)
- Party $30/60: -$165, 13 hands; +$38, 38 hands
- Party $10/20: +520, 50 hands (AK/K on turn, AA vs QQ, JT vs TT with T as top flop, 93o--don't ask, 44 vs 88 on board of 456, JJ, A3o vs. Q6 on board of QJK6T, AA vs KK, KJ vs K3o with K on flop
- FullTilt $3/6: -$92.50, 38 hands
- FullTilt $8/16: $178, 69 hands (balances now at $0.60)
- Party $30/60: $495, 53 hands
- Stars NLHE $100: -$10.25, 81 hands (fell asleep and slobbered on laptop)
Do I have the bankroll for this? No, I don't (bankroll is $8500, so not even 150 bb). The $30/60 jolts the system for sure and forces me to pay attention. So much of my play is of the multi-tasking variety that I often forget what it means to play. In limit, you have to pick up some pots with either your hands or your marginal hands at most of the lower limits you're headed to a showdown.
I'm more concerned, frankly, that I had to turn to Party and FullTilt to numb me enough to fall asleep. Elizabeth wrote about it awhile back, the negative insular nature of online poker. I was not in very good shape last night for the first time in awhile. Sweetie was zonked out after we watched Lost and were partly through a Grey's Anatomy that we had TiVo'd (first episode we've watched). That was over, I was in a funk, so I sent her up to bed and told her I was sleeping on the couch.
It isn't the action junkie syndrome that Daly and Sir Charles need to keep them going. Let Matusow, TJ, and Stu Ungar fight those deamons. I think for most of us, we embrace poker specifically because we have a fighting chance to actually take money from others rather than constantly battle a losing fight. Would we all play $4/8 forever if seven people didn't see every flop? I'm not sure, but maybe. No, it's not the action but the shell-like catatonic state that I can reach by simply sitting and looking at the cards. It takes $30/60 to elicit adrenaline and an actual fist pump (after the sb call with Tc8h, flop of 3sTs5d I bet/bb raises/UTG calls/limper folds/I three-bet/bb calls/UTG calls; Ah on turn I bet/bb raises/UTG folds, 7c on river I check/bb bets/I call and see bb turn over Th7s for a made lower two-pair on the river, pushing the $747 pot to me). No, it's more concerning that I turned to this when I was down. And I'm either pushing through to higher stakes or setting myself up for a bad fall. Or both.
So my professional poker likelihood question: when my brother emailed me, my immediate answer was the number was 0.10 for the likelihood that I would turn pro. For those of us with families, I don't see how one can make the jump unless you have a serious bankroll or a big score. Having said that, can this be a part-time job of actual substance? I bill out when consulting with my clients around $250/hour. That sounds like alot, but my billable time monthly varies a great deal, anywhere from 15%-95%. It can come in bunches as well. It would be nice to have an established goal of the number of hours to play in a month for several months and see the results. Could poker feed the family each month; if so, what would you need to net. And could I perform at that level. It's play money now, a distinct bankroll separate from other funds. Could I perform if it meant something?
New hand, this time from $30/60 yesterday. Villain is 34.4/0.00 player with limited history. I call in middle position with QdTd, Villain in sb calls and bb checks; Qh4d9d is a beautiful flop, Villain bets/bb folds/I raise/villain calls; 3s on turn Villain bets (HERO calls or raises?), 8h on river is bet and called. What does he have? ADDENDUM: I raise on the turn, and he calls. After 8h comes on the river, he checks/I bet/he calls. I thought he was on a diamond draw or fearfully a TJ straight draw. I've been working on value betting more on the river, as well as I felt at $30/60 that players were more aggressive and made significantly more plays. I guarantee every poker blogger in America could give their guess on what he held (including me), and I can't imagine anyone who would have not been shocked to see his hand: 4h2d for the flopped bottom pair, bottom back door flush draw.
Let's see if I can get some good stuff done today. Didn't yesterday, so maybe today. Have a great day.
I'll say villain has Q3o or Q8s (diamonds)...?
Villian flopped two pair Q4 or Q9
Bizarro play; you would have thought maybe a baby Q for sure, but just amazing. This always happens to someone else, so I'm glad it happened to me this time.
Hey CC. What you wrote about the possibility of coming pro is kinda like something I recently settled on. I've wanted to go pro for a while, but when I thought about the implications, I changed my goal. Now, I just want to make as much money playing poker as I do in my day job (like having a part-time job). It's saner and still a very high goal to reach.
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