What Rhymes with Metatarsal?

Checking in on my goals after the weekend of a couple hours of poker play.
- Don't lose my entire bankroll (check)
- Have a positive month (check; +$638.47)
Klopzi writes of taking a break from his blog last Monday (a la Pauly and others), as well as High on Poker's excellent post last week on blogs. One thing that helps me when I'm in front of an audience speaking (whether it's a large conference or a leadership team at a Fortune 100 company) is that I'm not in a play: I'm not trying to get all the words right from a script, but I'm just trying to share my knowledge and experience with the group. I think it's the same with these gay poker blogs. Too often, we feel a mix of a burden to live up to some standard that is in our mind of what we're supposed to write combined with a compelling need to have an audience, measured either by visitors or comments. I don't think it's about getting it right, being particularly clever or funny. My own view is that it's about doing what you do, documenting or exploring whatever is healthy or helpful to yourself. Your readers, who become these strange friends, often faceless but sometimes not, then get to interact with you, either chiming in, pushing back, or saying nothing. It's now how I start most days, sitting at this template and typing away. The different series I've done on Relationships and Children are just another way for me to try and figure out what this bizarre poker is for me and where I'm headed.
Sweetie and I were talking after I spent an hour on the phone with another blogger who called me to share what he's going through with his family and girlfriend. He plays poker for a living while also writing, and I think he's in his early twenties (maybe 23-26, something like that). His parents don't support his poker direction, and Sweetie and I had some very interesting discussion on the topic. If there is any time to try and make a go of this game, it is in a position like his: little financial responsibilities, no children, fairly early in his life. Yet telling others you play poker for a living at 24 is bizarre to say the least. Now, telling them you've started out in a telemarketing job or as an entry level clerk or in retail wouldn't give anyone the slightest concern, per Sweetie at least. Sweetie assumed that I'd love to play for a living, but I don't really think that's the case. I doubt I have the intestinal fortitude to handle the added ante of having to beat the game consistently. I like my comfort zone of playing for play money, for just myself. I'd love to play more regularly, play live more often, but I don't want to try and make a go of it. But we'll see. And is it creepy to spend an hour with a poker blogger? Well, I don't spend an hour on the phone with anyone, so your ear does get a bit sore. But I've really enjoyed meeting PokerSweetHome and his wife in London, talking for fifteen minutes with Shep, being invited into BadBlood's home to play in G-Vegas, sitting in the 1s with Linda in the 2s at the Bellagio. I enjoyed listening for an hour, adding a few minimal insights hear and there. Don't know if it was helpful, but hopefully so.
Goals for May? First, don't lose my bankroll. Second, crack the $10k mark (need roughly an $1800 month). From there, we'll see how it goes. I'd like to play more MTT's, but I need to play the simulator and do significantly better for jumping into that. I'd also like to play a WSOP tourney. I'm writing for a poker website as a total hobby and hope those funds can buy me into one of the small tourneys. It would be pretty neat for sure, but I want to at least have a fighting chance rather than just being a contributor to the prize pool, which is where I would be now.
I'll add links this week. If you have kids and didn't check out the Children and Poker series, go back the last seven or eight posts and catch it. Some very interesting stuff, especially the comments. With that, here is the next edition of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, in honor of Diner, where I see where this blog will take you.
- HammerPlayer: I've started looking at some web diagnostic tool to see what sites refer folks here. Hoyazo from New York. He explores strategy with alot of screen shots and examples, which is a nice change of pace for me. He also listens to Mike and the Mad Dog on WFAN in New York, which I miss a ton. The absolute best sports talk radio show in the nation, bar none.
- Tales from the West Side: How I stumble upon other ATL poker bloggers is beyond me. I was expecting something from 82nd and Broadway, but here is a blog from BrainMc and VinoQueen. Will definitely have to check this out again.
- Poker through the Eyes of an Amateur: Matt Silverhorn, kaellin18. I've been here before. Matt's been improving his tourney play on the circuit, coming in third in the Mookie. Looks like that has been at the end of a tough run, so here's to a turnaround in May.
- President Dave Lee: For some reason, I always think David Lee is a Confederate general when I see his Will Farrell avatar show up in my comments. I don't know how to do an avatar like that, which I think is pretty neat. He always has lots of good insight when he comments on others' blogs, and I should come here more often. Seems like a very good guy, too.
- Little Acornman: I've never been to Scotland, oddly enough. And oh, how his Rangers have fallen after letting Mr. Reyna leave several years ago. His wife just lost her mother, which is tough. He's had a solid run over the last eight months, so here's to continued success.
- Lady Falcon: Another New Yorker, but a lady at that. A tragic post of her father lost, leaving, then being gone. Many of us definitely have alot to be thankful for, and her difficult times remind us of that.
Looks like another beautiful day out there. Hope it will be for you, too. Thanks for dropping by.
At first, I thought I'd start blogging in the hopes of making money through affiliate links.
Then, my focus shifted to improving my game by discussing it on the blog and reading what everyone else was saying.
Now, I'm back to making money with my affiliate links... ;)
As always, thanks for the pimpage.
Thanks for the visit. I'm trying to put together an ATL bloggers live game. If you are interested, shoot me an email at brainmc.poker at gmail dot com. I think the g-vegas crew might be interested as well if you want to pass on my contact info.
nice post... I'm glad you are into the World Cup and soccer in general.
which teams do you like in the World Cup this summer?
brain, keep me posted. My schedule is not my own, but we'll see.
FJ, Brazil has to be the favorite for sure. I was up for England until this Rooney mess, so we'll see if they can survive this. I'm always partial to Holland even with their tendency to fall flat. And the host can never be counted out.
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