Overeducated Nympho and CC

Thanks for all of the input on the hand from yesterday. Results posted at the bottom of the yesterday's post in blue. I'll give you another interesting hand and let me know what you think. $0.25/0.50 NLHE 8-seated (Chris Ferguson is a no show on Full Tilt--go figure). There is one limper to me UTG, my stats over 65 hands or so there are 34/15 (this is an orbit after my laydown, where we've chatted and everyone knows my QQ laydown). I raise to $2.35 with Jc7c. BB (42/12) calls and the limper folds. I've taken a few pots off of him, once coming over the top after flopping two pair to see him lay down. Flop comes 5s6hJh. Villain checks/I bet $4.65 (pot is around $5.45), and he calls. 9c is the turn, he checks and I check. 4c on the river, and villain bets $11 (pot is $14.75). Fold/call/raise?
Good input on where I should play next. Here's what I've heard so far:
- Nuke Stars/try Absolute Poker (FJ Delgado)
- Try Interpoker/RaketheRake (Klopzi)
- FullTilt/IronMan Challenge (WillWonka, and we've missed you by the way--hope you're doing alright)
- Noble Poker/(High on Poker)
- World Poker Exchange, Martin's Poker, Bodog, or Ultimate Bet (Wes)
I'm never really cool enough or in the loop enough to even know when there is a controversy, like Poker Champ. I'm just figuring out that my buddy Jordan at High on Poker stirred up quite a hornet's nest with his poker blogging post. BG and Bill Rini pushing back hard on Jordan. I don't have the attention span nor short term memory nor debating skills for that matter to jump into the fray of who's right, so I'll just give my two bits on why this exists. I started this as a hidden world for me to talk about poker in my life. As the name suggests and as those who have followed the blog know, I have a tenuous relationship with poker and the level of support of my play from my wife. This blog started and continues to be a cathartic place for me to explore my game. After several months, I started trying to figure out what could I bring uniquely to the table. My younger brother, who I admire and respect a great deal, suggested that mine is really a blog of introspection. So that's what I've tried to do, introspect. My move to studying further some broader questions that I have (Relationships, Children) have been interesting for me, and I've appreciated the interest of others. Having said all of that, I like it when other folks leave comments on my blog and when others visit. Believe me, I'm not cool enough to be in an in group without poker, and even if the in group is simply to be in donating at BadBlood's house, then that's a neat addition to my life here in Suburbia. It is one of the thing I love the most about poker, that I'm able to be with a broader population than I would normally bump into. When I'm sitting at a table in a card room, normally there is a complete slice of the world around me.
I can't remember who started the 100 Things about Me posts (katitude maybe on the poker blogging side). I don't think I have the energy to think of 100 Things, so I'll just give you one nugget each day for a few days. In July 1996, we lived with our two-year old son in Phoenix (21 months old, but it rounds to two now). I had a great job in the Aerospace division of a Dow Jones 30 company, as well as a concurrent corporate role. I was scheduled to go to Rhode Island to meet with an Automotive business, fly to Newark for meetings with my corporate dotted-line boss, then head to Paris for a few days. Well, the Rhode Island business unit didn't have their act together and cancelled the meeting due to lack of preparation. British Air had just started a Phoenix-London direct flight, so I called my dotted-line boss to see if we could have a telecon rather than meeting. He said yes, I booked my British Air flight to London then to Paris. When I landed on 16 July 1996, I was sitting in the British Air Business Class lounge. I called my secretary while watching CNN, and as I watched the coverage unfolding, she told me that I had indeed been scheduled to board TWA 800 from JFK-Paris. You can read the TWA 800 transcripts of the last minutes of that flight. She still had my itinerary with American Express travel, and many thought I was on the plane.
Life is short, and I'm absolutely thankful each and every morning I wake up. But life is a long time as well. After reading articles I had written on players making the jump to pro (you should be able to figure out cc; Falstaff is writing there as well), my brother asked me the following question today, and it led to some intriguing discussion. Pick a number between 1 and 0 on the probability scale for the following question. What probability do you think exists for you attempting to make a jump to professional poker in
- One year
- Two years
- Five years
ADDENDUM: HAND RESULT There is one limper to me UTG, my stats over 65 hands or so there are 34/15 (this is an orbit after my laydown, where we've chatted and everyone knows my QQ laydown). I raise to $2.35 with Jc7c. BB (42/12) calls and the limper folds. I've taken a few pots off of him, once coming over the top after flopping two pair to see him lay down. Flop comes 5s6hJh. Villain checks/I bet $4.65 (pot is around $5.45), and he calls. 9c is the turn, he checks and I check. 4c on the river, and villain bets $11 (pot is $14.75). Fold/call/raise? I make the call, and he turns over Ah2h. I don't think I played the hand well and not sure why I called, just got a feeling that he was hanging around.
First, for your J7s question - I fold. Sure, he may be making a play at you, but by checking the turn I don't see how you can determine where you are in the hand. I'm usually wrong though...
As for me becoming a professional poker player - 1 yr. (0), 2 yrs. (0), and 5 yrs (0.05). I think the things holding me back include lack of casinos spreading any form of poker within a 600 km radius, lack of ability, and familial obligations.
And thirdly, I really shouldn't have checked out that flight transcript site...
Maybe after the sun burns out I'll become a poker pro :)
I'm planning on going pro once my Powerball lottery ticket hits.
So...tonight, then, I guess.
I would have folded, but I tend to be a little passive. I guessed he was on a 7,8 draw. 7,8 is a conceiveable hand to play, especially soooooted, and I would have put him on that, when I also could have guessed he was on a heart draw.
I am always suspicious when online players are simply calling me down and then bet huge when I don't see a straight or flush possibility out there; that tells me they busted their draw and are just trying to steal. I've scooped many a pot that way.
But in this case it's conceiveable to me that he hit it.
Good call.
Good posts too.
Oh, and why would I ever want to become a pro at poker? It's too much fun for that. I don't write nearly as much for fun now that I do it for a living; just something to think about.
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