A Quickie

This is the final day for the Free Junior's Cheesecake (delivery included). Junior's in Brooklyn is one of the best cheesecakes in all of America. I know there's no free lunch, but maybe a free dessert (or a free gift for your significant other...). To be elibigle, just leave a comment on any post. We'll run this from 8-13 February, and I'll use my trusty random number generator to select from all those who leave a post.
This will be a quickie post as I have a dentist appointment this morning and a very busy day. A very bad FullTilt session on Saturday, $8/16 getting AA cracked, KK beaten twice, AK vs AQ, AJs catching my J vs. QQ. I overplayed the losers every time, which is a problem that I need to fix. It is difficult for me, as it seems even money that the other raiser in a pot doesn't have me beat most of the time.
Oh, and for those of you who love to read about the Big Game with Andy Beal, here is a great post from Linda, one of my favorite bloggers who deals at the Bellagio. Also a new thread on Bluff about the game resuming. I don't have time to read, so just click and go. From my quick read, it looks like Jennifer was beaten pretty soundly yesterday.
ADDENDUM: Just made a quick dash to the dentist, and the news wasn't very good. I had a cavity and was there for the filling. When he's done, he says that there is 90-95% decay, and he's putting medicine and a temporary filling in. Wait eight weeks, then go back and see if the body put in scar tissue and if the nerve pulled back. If yes, then finish drilling and put in filling. If no, then root canal and crown. I sure hope this is +EV as I've never had a root canal and hope I never will.
Back by popular demand, the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon (where in blogdom we travel from here):
- Sound of a Suckout: Scurvy is one of the glitterati of poker blogdom. His is one to check out daily, exploring challenges that we're either confronting or will.
- Twenty-One Outs Twice: Chris Fargis is a poker pro who regularly gives recaps of the tourneys we all railbird or watch on Bravo/ESPN. I don't get to his blog often, but it is always short and sweet (not sure why I don't check it out more often).
- You Can't Miss What You Can't Measure: Shane Schleger is the name, and he just scored his biggest tourney win at Commerce in the $300 with re-buys (he put in $3900, which I can't see myself doing for some reason). It looks like he's buds with the Grinder et al, so we'll have to keep our eyes open for him.
- Roswell-42: A chemist poker player? Hmm. I don't know enough about differences between Live Journal and Blogspot. He's a regular at Commerce, playing $10/20 NLHE. Now I remember why I hate Live Journal: I can never seem to get comments to work.
- The Poker Chronicles: Interesting initial post about tourneys from Matt Maroon. Matt's written a book and seems connected to Matt Matros, who I like alot.
- Law of Poker: A St. Louis poker blogger (as is WillWonka, a great blogger). Mixing live play and online play, which I like alot.
If you need any Valentine's Day ideas, check out Erin Bode. She's new to my iPod, my wife likes it alot (I found it on iTunes Jazz home page). Nice sleepy vocals. If you're into that. Other ideas: Red Door Spas (if you have one nearby, very nice), Tiffany's (can still sneak by and get something at whatever price range you're into), Victoria's Secret, Red Envelope (which is a great place for gifts for sure), and ProFlowers. I've used all of these at one time or another.
I currently have money at over 7 sites.. You pose a good question. I'm probably just too lazy; but shouldn't keep money on sites that I am not active on.. It only takes a few seconds to re-up on a site so it doesn't really make sense to keep money there.
Also, I keep all other money on Neteller... of course, that does nothing for me and that money should be in a savings account of some sort.
So thanks to you (and others that have recently written about this) for the wake up call.
My bankroll's all over the place sometimes. I finally withdrew from Dise, but I'm still on Stars (I love the tournaments - especially the omaha) and Party. I'll probably throw some on absolute this week too. I like having money on Party because the games are great, and you can withdraw to netteller in a matter of hours. Thus, taking advantage of another site's (usually Stars - i never see their bonus coming) limited time bonus is pretty easy.
Another good reason to take money out of the sites you are not using is that their ancy promotions departments will often offer you free tournament entries or sometimes free money if you w/draw and stay away for a few months.
I think consolidation of bankroll can be good, but I don't know if moving $100 from Full Tilt would really make much of a difference.
A little advice on root canals from a veteran: Every horror story you ever heard is about one that was infected. If it's not hurting now, the root canal won't hurt a bit once they nuke you with novacaine.
As for bankroll consolidation, I'm with willwonka. Neteller transactions are so quick that you can be up and running in a couple of minutes, so there's no need to keep money on a site you don't use very often
The true poker player does not fret over keeping his cash bankroll in a bank account. I suppose the matter is different if you do not live near a cardroom, but if you do, it would be too great a hassle to have to rely on the bank for green.
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