14 November 2007

Two Key Questions

I have a new vlog up at YouTube (see below), where I lay out in more detail the key questions I am confronting in my life.

The key questions?
  • Am I OK on the path I am on?
    • Am I achieving my goals in all parts of my life?
  • Am I fulfilling my potential and using my gifts?
The vlog addresses the first question, which is really defined above. What are my goals in all parts of my life? Am I executing on these goals and achieving positive results? I lack concrete, measurable goals in almost all parts of my life, and I believe my ability to execute has fallen significantly. Not a very good recipe for success, believe me.

Let me know any thoughts you have, any feedback from the vlog or here. I look forward to the end of this and heading in a great new direction.


Blogger Shane Leighton Photography said...


Thanks for sharing so much of yourself, and of your journey. I can certainly relate to some of what you are talking about, and I look forward to reading/listening to/about the decisions you make going forward.


12:19 PM  
Blogger smokkee said...

CC, thx for sharing what you're going thru. many of us go thru the same challenges. GL setting and achieving your goals.

4:57 AM  

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