Bankroll Management

I credit Wes with giving me either tough love or plain being insulting to me regarding bankroll management. I had a basic understanding of bankroll management a year ago, but I thought it was for those less talented than me. Poker was also like golf for me, meaning I spent money on it rather than had it as a self-sustaining enterprise. Today's common wisdom put proper bankrolls at 300-1000x the big bet. I definitely shoot for the lower amount most of the time, and I tend to have different rules online vs. live. Call it either success or a false level of security. I have been much more successful live than online, so I'll play regularly at $15/30 live while my main game now online is $5/10 or below. I don't take premeditated shots but will often sit at a higher limit than I had planned due to lack of tables. Like yesterday, everything was filled with waiting lists like ten or twelve players for 5/10, 10/20, and 15/30. I tried to get another 10/20 game started but couldn't get anyone to join me. Within a minute, a 15/30 table opened for me then a 10/20. So, I'm playing at the 15/30 table.
Is it beyond my bankroll? Yeah from virtually every source of opinion imaginable. Is it outside of my comfort zone? No, I actually tend to play at a more intense level if the stakes are higher (doing less donkified things). Should I do it? No. What should you do if you have a couple hours to burn? Well, that is my perpetual state and is a constant struggle, especially during daytime hours when the few players at the tables are just a bunch of good poker junkies that are only focused on either bluffing me out of pots, calling my bluffs, or having bigger hands than me. The worst thing you can see at a table are a bunch of poker players. I can't even imagine the biggest games.
You just can't imagine all the emails and comments on the Relationships and Poker series. One of the basic disconnects between husbands and wives that ties back into bankroll management seems to be financial vs. time consumption. As a poker player, I measure my play first and foremost with my bankroll. Was I up or down for the session, for the week, for the month. While most wives don't want to be homless except for an internet connection, what really seems to be the driving concern and source of frustration for many is how much time the broad category of poker takes. Playing, watching television, reading books, reading and writing blogs, then distracting us when we are with our loved ones. Of course, we only measure the amount of time that shows up in PokerTracker.
When I say it is connected to bankroll management, I submit that bankroll management starts with the amount of the bets you can make (3/6 vs 15/30). It also is about the quality of your play. If I knew I would only play five hours this week, would I devote myself to playing my absolute best? I would guess that I play my absolute best probably 10-25% of the time, play almost like a bot 25-75% of the time, and play in a distracted, donkified way 20-50% of the time. That doesn't mean that my best yields superior results every time, but it does mean that my play and the others in my life deserve to have me play a finite amount while playing my best almost the entire time.
A great dinner last night at Monterrey's, and a nice day so far of working out and swimming. The boys are off to their next golf lesson, and I'll be working a bit and maybe hitting a few balls. Looks like my big golf week has turned into no golf unless I can play tomorrow morning. We'll see. My brother-in-law and I are off to BadBlood's home game for tonight, so I'll have more tomorrow on that.
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I understand where you're going with your argument, but you've got to be careful to disregard your sense of abilities or skills when deciding what you can play.
I regard my bankroll as a variance buffer. If I get unlucky for a couple months, my bankroll will sustain me. Why? Because I force myself to play down at the level of my bankroll.
Even if I know I can beat a $30/$60 game, I need a bankroll of at least $18K. I could be the best player in the world and I'd still need an $18K bankroll.
And just as I'll move up in buy-ins or limits as my bankroll increases, I force myself to move down if my bankroll has shrunk below the standard 300 BB/30 buy-in levels.
For the sake of your bankroll and your sanity, just remember: bankroll determines which tables you can play and not your mad skillz.
And, for the record, I've heard a simple rule of thumb for determing which limits you can play live vs. online. Take the online limit and multiply by 4 to determine your live game limits.
So, if you play $5/$10 online, you should be able to $20/$40 live. Of course, this formula breaks down at the very high and very low ends of the spectrum.
By the way, great blog. Finished reading all the entries...the roller-coaster ride that is your bankroll has been exciting at times and absolutely bone-chilling at other times. A great read!
klopzi, I think we're on the same page there regarding variance buffer. And I like the 4x online vs. live, very nice.
I agree with klopzi -- you need to have a 300 BB bankroll.
Sure, live games are generally softer than online games, but variance is similar regardless of where you play.
Live, online, whatever. It's all the same bankroll, whether it's in cash or in Neteller.
I consider myself a good driver, possibly better than most people, but I would never drive without insurance.
In my first couple years playing poker in casinos, I didn't know a thing about bankroll. I thought that if I had $500, I was ready for the $10/20 limit game at Orleans or the Bellagio's juicy $2/5 NL game. I know many of my friends think this way.
But front-line, active duty poker players should never think this way. We have the best information and should know better. The 300-1000 BB guideline comes from professionals, people who eke their living out at the tables. We should know better than to try to reinvent the wheel.
That said, I saw something recently where maybe it makes sense to gamble more with your bankroll at lower limits and to not grind it out at $2/4 when economically you really could be playing higher. Maybe you fit in this category.
All that, so I tend to play at the low end of bankroll management ($7k bankroll playing $5/10 online, except when I goof up). $15/30 live, look, I have to play that. I can't really deal with seven callers playing $4/8, I can beat the Bellagio $15/30 game consistently, and I either don't have the bankroll or are too fraidy scared to play above that (actually, both). And Scott, for me it wouldn't matter what bankroll I have for NLHE, it would evaporate one buy-in at a time...
Scott, NL players typically gauge bankroll as a function of buy-in, especially in games where there is a max. The going rate is you should have at least 20 buy-ins, or $500 for NL$25.
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