Noah's Arc

I was a big-time tennis player growing up during the height of the tennis boom, the late 70’s and early 80’s. My favorite players were McEnroe, Lendl, Evonne Goolagong, and Martina Navritilova. I never ever liked Connors, Borg was too dominant during his peak, I didn’t like any of the clay courters like Vilas or the Spaniards. I never ever liked Chris Evert, as she was the least gracious loser in the history of sport. And I liked Yannick Noah. Maybe it was his mysterious background, maybe it was his dreadlocks. Maybe it was because he was never really good enough, I don’t know. There always seemed to be more to him than tennis, similar to McEnroe. So here’s to a proud papa. Joakim Noah went to high school near
I’ve got no internet connection at my in-law’s mountain place, so I was able to get online Monday at the Cliffs clubhouse. I worked out while my wife and the three boys swam, then I took the little guy while my wife hit the treadmill. He is just so neat right now, and it is a real blessing that I’ve been able to take the time to slow down and see him, connect with him. Today, he went from clinging on him mom like a baby possum to jumping in the pool to me and kicking while we raced his brothers. The Big Guy and All-in had their first golf lesson, and I was able to sneak away and get email.
I wanted to comment a bit on a few points made by our guest testimonial yesterday. First, online poker. Her observations about online poker are very insightful and really ring true to me. I tremendously enjoy live poker, much much more than online. Online poker is about winning money and making good decisions. Live poker is so much more. My wife and I were talking about all of this stuff a couple weeks ago, and she said that one thing she didn’t particularly like about poker is that I am with people I wouldn’t normally associate with. I told her it is actually one of the things that draws me to poker. I spend a significant part of my day parked in front of my laptop when I’m not traveling. When I’m at the felt, I often am able to express part of me that I’ve lost, the one-liner-spewing nice guy. I also really love the diversity of people that you find at a table. I’ve written about this before, but it bears repeating. I am able to be with people that I just wouldn’t be with playing poker. This isn’t meant to be judgmental, more as a fact. I live in my suburbia neighborhood, go to my megachurch, work virtually alone, coach my soccer boys, travel and that’s about it. Being able to be with people 20 years my junior and senior of different ethnicities, background, and religions is just something that I couldn’t do any other way. The second point is about the life we designed together. There is tremendous risk that my life is a series of accidental stumbles rather than a charted course. I used to be a bit over the top when it came to marital planning. I'm the one that made us go through a decision matrix to choose our everyday and fine China (and I still think Federal Cobalt Blue would have been the right choice for our fine China rather than Noritake Ontario). I also used to force us into biennial (every other year?) planning sessions, with Post-It notes, brainstorming, and charting out our goals on a wide array of topics. That's gradually fallen apart as our plans have fallen to shambles (meaning business, career, wealth). Poker is seemingly my first real vice and a real release for me, but I'm afraid I use it more as a crutch than anything, a way to escape some hard truths.
OK, maybe poker isn't my only hidden dark pleasure. I like Mariah Carey. I like to cry in movies (and even commercials; can any real man not cry at the end of the Applebee's retired coach commercial?). I like to eat. I like to sit in my chair doing nothing. I love TiVo. I TiVo English Premiership soccer matches, only to fast forward to the goals like any red-blooded American. I'm a carnivore. I love golf but don't play too often, mainly because it's so time consuming.
It looks like the home game with BadBlood is going to happen, although after reading about thousand dollar pots in the G-Vegas Big Game, I'm hoping it won't be too rich for my blood. I'm all for giving away my hard earned money to degenerate gamblers, but I do want to keep my car...
Thanks for the kind words, gpo. Congrats on the cash at the Bellagio as well. I wish you well with your efforts with your wife. Believe me I know the challenge you're confronted with. I might see you at the 15/30 tables the next time I'm at the Bellagio...
That's like when Lendl said he was allergic to grass, then played golf later that day...
CC, you never cease to amaze. I'll get the misses to sit down with me tonight for our testimonial.
I'm 100% in agreement with you regarding how poker can bring different people together. It's one of the things I love the most about the game. In law school, I didn't much socialize with my fellow students. I found them mostly boring and bookish, plus I had my HS and college friends nearby. But I struck up a conversation with someone regarding a paper I was doing on Internet gambling and we became friends. I've got probably a dozen other stories about meeting people through poker that I would not otherwise have met. Great stuff CC. Keep it coming
jordan, maybe the machine gun made you kind of stand-offish in law school. Just a hunch...
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